Watch Out! Don't Just Scroll Your Smartphone or You Can Get Doomscrolling

Kamis 29-12-2022,15:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam
Watch Out! Don't Just Scroll Your Smartphone or You Can Get Doomscrolling

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Social media is an integral part of today's daily life. Even most of the information obtained from the platform

But there is something to watch out for. Don't just scroll through your cellphone to find information. Otherwise, one could experience doomscrolling.

Doomscrolling, also known as doomsurfing, is the condition of someone who constantly wants to know negative or bad news.

In these conditions, someone takes the action of reading negative content one by one or scrolling endlessly through social media platforms.

A psychologist at the Lampung Province Mental Hospital, Retnoriani, S.P.I., M.Sc., said that doomscrolling began to appear during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Where restrictions on activities make social media a way of communicating with the community,

Apparently, there are people who find negative information without filtering it first.

Under these conditions, the doomscrolling actor cannot stop. even more curious and find out more about this information.

"This condition causes us to constantly look for news that is actually negative." "As a result, anxiety arises in the person," said Retnoriani, S.Psi., M.Sc.

Retnoriani said that most of this anxiety was experienced by women. especially for those who are already married and have children.

This is also inseparable from their responsibilities as a family. If you get information that has not been filtered beforehand, anxiety will arise.

Meanwhile, they did not try to find an explanation for the negative information they received.

Surfing in cyberspace can be a tiring activity. Novelty phrases like "zoom fatigue" are prime examples of exhausting activities that force one to be constantly online.

If left unchecked and not addressed, this condition actually has a negative impact on health. both mentally and physically.

These mental disorders can take the form of anxiety, panic, PTSD, OCD, and social phobia.

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