PLN Collaborates With 16 Universities for Human Resource Research and Development

Jumat 13-01-2023,10:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) is collaborating with 16 tertiary institutions in Indonesia for collaboration in the fields of research or studies, empowerment of human resources (HR), and development of the electricity sector.

This was marked by the signing of an MoU between PT PLN (Persero) and 16 tertiary institutions at the PLN head office in Jakarta on January 10, 2023.

According to the Main Director of PT PLN (Persero), Darmawan Prasodjo, this cooperation is very important for the company.

Particularly in encouraging Indonesia's energy transition to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2060.

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Therefore, cooperation does not only cover the development of human resources. But from a research standpoint,

"With our memorandum of understanding with universities, it is hoped that it will be easier for PLN to carry out the mandate given by the government," said Darmawan.

PLN cannot function in isolation.Therefore, the step taken is to cooperate with universities.

It is hoped that this research collaboration involving the Ministry of Education and Culture will further advance the electricity sector in order to support the road to energy transition in Indonesia.

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Darmawam emphasized that the energy transition that was carried out by PLN was not only due to international agreements.

but also as a form of the company's concern for a better environment for future generations.

"Of course it involves the Directorate General of Higher Education, which holds the key to orchestrating how well PLN's strategy and Indonesia's best tertiary institutions can be optimized," he said.

Besides being beneficial for the environment, the energy transition is beneficial for the country's economy.

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