4 Religious Destinations Suitable for Ngabuburit Before Fasting

Senin 20-03-2023,23:45 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam
4 Religious Destinations Suitable for Ngabuburit Before Fasting

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Ramadhan 1444 Hijiri will be observed by Muslims.Well, ngabuburit is one of the activities carried out in the afternoon before the Maghrib call to prayer resounds.

So, for those of you who want to spend the night in a religious atmosphere like a mosque, Lampung has four destinations that are suitable for fasting before breaking the fast.

1. Al-Aminah Floating Mosque

Al-Aminah Floating Mosque is a mosque located 300 meters from the shoreline of Sari Ringgung, Padang Cermin District, Pesawaran Regency.

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The mosque is supported by several buoys and anchors so that it does not float away in the sea.

From the data collected, this mosque only functions as a prayer facility for fishermen who are still at sea. However, in 2014, it was renovated and inaugurated as a Lampung tourism object in 2015.

The mosque has the capacity to accommodate approximately 200 worshipers for Maghrib prayers in congregation at that location, making the Al-Aminah Floating Mosque one of the recommended places for ngabuburit when breaking the fast of the upcoming Ramadhan, 1444 Hijiriah.

2. The Great Mosque of Al Furqon Bandar Lampung

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The Al Furqon Great Mosque was founded in 1985 and has a tower with a height of about 114 meters, which makes it one of the icons of Bandar Lampung, especially located in the city center, namely Jalan Diponegoro No. 55, Gulak Galik Teluk Betung Utara, Bandar Lampung City.

Around the Great Mosque of Al Furqon in Bandar Lampung, there are lots of interesting street snacks for the iftar menu. So that this location can be used as a religious destination that is suitable for ngabuburit activities ahead of breaking the fast of Ramadan 1444 H.

3. Aminatul Jannah Mosque

If you are in the rest area, Sumber Jaya, West Lampung, take the time to visit the Aminatul Jannah Mosque.

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