8 Fauna Educational Destinations for Children in Lampung That Must Be Visited

BKP Valley, Fauna Educational Destination.--
BANDARLAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - It's a shame not to miss one of the educational destinations for children in Lampung, namely the Fauna Education Destination.
The Fauna Education Destination in Lampung presents an open natural landscape with various activities that children can do on weekends or during school holidays, one of which is feeding animals and learning about and interacting with the existing fauna.
Because apart from creating beautiful memories with the family, taking children out into nature also has many benefits, including getting to know God better through all His creations in nature.
Then, teach children to respect nature and the living things around them, practice social skills, and develop empathy for the surrounding environment.
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Then, building creativity and imagination makes the body fitter because it breathes fresh air. Diverting children's attention from gadgets increases curiosity, which definitely strengthens the relationship between parents and children as well as other family members.
Here are eight flora and fauna education destinations for children in Lampung that must be visited because they can divert attention from gadgets.
1. Green Valley Animal Park
You can fill your children's vacation by inviting them to interesting faunal destinations in Bandar Lampung, where previously you only saw them in Natural Sciences (IPA) books, Biology Books, and television.
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Let's go to the Green Valley Tourism Park and the Green Valley Animal Park in Lampung, located in the city of Bandar Lampung, which provide lots of fun and educational destinations for fauna during school holidays, which of course can divert attention from gadgets.
Going around the Green Valley Animal Park, one can see a variety of unique and rare animals. There, you can also see various animals such as tigers, Sumatran bears, honey, Sumatran elephants, gibbons, deer, and orangutans.
In addition, in the Green Valley Animal Park there is also a bird park containing species from various regions in Indonesia, including the Yellow-Crested Cockatoo, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Black-headed Lorikeet, Parrots, Pelicans, Cassowaries, and others.
Sometimes the Green Valley Animal Park also provides entertainment by staging animal performances and eagle attractions, as well as giving visitors the opportunity to ride Sumatran elephants.
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