Waterfall Tourist Destinations on The Island of Sumatra

Sabtu 21-01-2023,23:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

4. Way Tayas Waterfall

Rejosari Waterfall is a famous tourist destination. Mt. Rajabasa is in the South Lampung Regency.

5. Sustainable Waterfall

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A sustainable waterfall located in Batu City, Kec. Pubian, Central Lampung Regency, with a height of 30-35 meters and clear water Soothing gurgling. You can eat lunch with the group while waiting for the sunset to arrive.

6. Euphrates Falls

Natural waterfall tourism is located in Solok Dolok, Daily, and Samosir. The number of visitors is never empty from morning to night.

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7. Teroh-Teroh Waterfall

This waterfall is located in Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bingai District, Kab. Langkat, North Sumatra. (*)


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