Check Fuel Prices: Pertamax Turbo in Lampung has Gone Up

Jumat 03-02-2023,23:40 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - As of February 1, 2023, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga officially issued the latest prices for fuel oil (BBM).

This adjustment applies to non-subsidized fuel prices, which are carried out in accordance with Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022.

For example, in Lampung Province, the latest selling price for Pertamax products (RON 92) is IDR 13,050 per liter. Then the Pertamax Turbo product (RON 98) rose from IDR 14,350 to IDR 15,150 per liter.

Next, there is Dexlite (CETANE 51) for IDR 16,500 per liter and Pertadex (CETANE 53), which originally cost IDR 17,100 to IDR 17,200 per liter.

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Meanwhile, subsidized fuel prices remain the same. Starting from pertalite, which is sold at IDR 10,000 per liter, and then biosolar at IDR 6,800 per liter.

The latest price adjustment for fuel is a form of implementation of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as an amendment to Ministerial Decree No. 62/K/12/MEM/2020, regarding the price formulation for JBU or non-subsidized fuel.

For complete information regarding all the latest Pertamina product prices, as well as ongoing MyPertamina promos, the public can access the official website,, or contact the Pertamina Call Center (PCC) at 135

Following are the details of the latest fuel prices per province as of February 1, 2023.

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Province of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)

Pertalite: IDR 10,000 per liter

Biodiesel: IDR 6,800 per liter

Pertamina Dex: IDR 16,850 per liter

Dexlite: IDR 16,150 per liter

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