List of Films Starring Jefri Nichol, Number 9: Fighting Acting with Wulan Guritno

Sabtu 11-03-2023,05:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

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9. Jakarta vs Everybody (2020)

This film was released in 2020. Jefri Nichol plays a young man aged 23 years who goes by the name Dominik, also known as Dom.

This film stars many celebrities who are experienced in acting, such as Wulan Guritno, Gaindra Bimo, and Dea Panendra, and there is even a senior actress, Jajang C. Noer.

Tells about how the nightlife in Jakarta influences many people's lives.

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10. My Sassy Girl

And finally, there is My Sassy Girl, which is a recommendation for Jeffrey Nichol's film. This film is in the romantic drama genre.

It tells the story of an innocent man named Gian, played by Jefri Nichol, who meets a fierce girl named Sisi, played by Tiara Andini.

This film is a remake of a South Korean film.

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So, those are some recommended lists of films starring the handsome actress, Jennifer Nichol. Enjoy watching. (*)


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