Let's See: Strategies for the Elderly to Keep Fasting

Sabtu 25-03-2023,12:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

BANDARLAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Those of you who have parents over 60 years old are classified as elderly. For the elderly, they have their own strategies to stay healthy during fasting.

Regulating nutritional intake at dawn and breaking the fast so that the body still has enough energy to move is also necessary for the elderly.

Elderly people who are strong at fasting also need to pay attention to a number of symptoms that arise when fasting. When completing fasting until Maghrib, there is a recurrence, and the elderly are asked not to fast.

This is reviewed by assessing physical, cognitive, and mental health and other co-morbidities, including the risk of dehydration, high or low blood pressure, headaches, and others.

BACA JUGA: 9 Benefits of Fasting for the Health of the Human Body

The following is summarized from several sources: there are at least five strategies for the elderly to stay healthy during worship fasting. Namely:

Nutritious foods such as dates, unsweetened yogurt, and nuts

The more varied the food consumed by the elderly, the easier it will be to obtain various kinds of nutrition.  For this reason, try to make each portion of food between you balanced and varied.

During fasting, the elderly should be able to consume more fruits and vegetables, which are high in vitamins and minerals.

BACA JUGA: Here's the explanation: Fasting Can Control Blood Sugar and Prevent Cancer

Aside from that, it is critical to consume enough healthy carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread or oatmeal, because they can help you feel fuller for longer.

In addition, a high protein intake menu, such as fish and nuts, is included.

Not only that, but seniors who are still strong in fasting also choose an optimum boost that contains probiotics and prebiotics to help their body's digestive tract.

Optimum Boost, which is rich in protein, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamins B6 and B12, can also provide immunity and antioxidants that maintain the health of the elderly who want to fast. Drink plenty of water and reduce caffeine.

BACA JUGA: Fasting in Uncertain Weather: Strategies for Staying Healthy

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