Problematika Politik Identitas di Indonesia

Problematika Politik Identitas di Indonesia

Ilustrasi Politik--

Because in fact the emergence of intolerance only exists in DKI and even then only during the 2017 DKI regional elections. The rest of the people of DKI in particular and generally the Indonesian people are very tolerant of differences. This can be proven in several regional elections, especially in eastern Indonesia, the PKS and PAN, which are notbene islamic ideology, must carry out a coalition of political parties in supporting one of the candidates for regional heads there even though they are non-Muslims such as Amos Yikwa-Robeka Enembe in Tolikara, Befa Jogibalom in Lannya Jaya, Yuni Wonda in Puncak Jaya and Yarius Gwijangge in Nduga.

So at the end of this paper, the author suggests to the government to impose a non grata charm on Benedict Rogers as once given by the Iranian leader to Salman Rusdie for his writings under the title of the sheikh verses or persona non grata given to the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin who was banned from entering the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The Moldovan government reasoned Rogozin had made derogatory comments in an interview with a Russian television channel.

This is so that it can be used as a warning that partial research is then published will be very dangerous related to the views of other countries to the country that is the subject of the partial research. So that in the future researchers should be more careful in publishing the results of their research, especially related to sensitive matters and related to the condition of a country. (*)

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