6 River Tourism Destinations in Indonesia That You Must Explore

6 River Tourism Destinations in Indonesia That You Must Explore

6 River Tourism Destinations in Indonesia That You Must Explore. Musi river in South Sumatra Province of Indonesia-sumeks.co-

6. Musi River

One more river tourism destination in Indonesia that is very popular, namely the Musi River, Palembang. Named the longest river in Sumatra, the Musi River offers fun and unusual activities and vacation experiences.

When visiting the Musi River, don't forget to stop by Kemaro Island which is located in the middle of the Musi River.

On Kemaro Island, visitors can visit various interesting tourist attractions, such as Pagoda, Hok Tjing Rio Shrine, or Love Tree.

Those are six river tours in Indonesia that are interesting to explore. (*)

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