PLN Collaborates With 16 Universities for Human Resource Research and Development

PLN Collaborates With 16 Universities for Human Resource Research and Development


BACA JUGA: 15 Reliable Websites and Applications in 2023 with a Variety of Job Categories for Job Seekers

- Andalas University

- University of Indonesia

- Bogor Agricultural Institute

- Bandung Institute of Technology

BACA JUGA: 5 Types of Vitamins Suitable for Hard Workers

- Padjadjaran University

- Diponegoro University

- Sebelas Maret University

- Gadjah Mada University

BACA JUGA: Make History! Prof. Lusmeilia Afriani, the University's First Female Chancellor at the University of Lampung

- Yogyakarta Veterans National Development University

- Brawijaya University

- November 10th, Institute of Technology

- Airlangga University

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