PLN Collaborates With 16 Universities for Human Resource Research and Development

PLN Collaborates With 16 Universities for Human Resource Research and Development


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Where can the state reduce imports of fuel oil (BBM), which are currently still quite high?

"So we are trying so that every drop of rupiah spent by PLN becomes part of building national capacity," he said.

One of them must be based on innovation. But if innovation is handed over to PLN, it will be tough. Therefore, there must be collaboration.

Meanwhile, Genegar's PLN Research and Development Center Manager, Iswan Prahastono, said that this collaboration has further strengthened PLN's collaboration with universities.

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Previously, PT PLN (Persero) had collaborated with nine universities.

"By 2023, with this collaboration, we hope this can work," he said.

Because in 2023, PLN Corporate, which is deployed at the research and development center, will have 120 product plans.

Meanwhile, the director general of higher education, research, and technology at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Ir. Nizam, said that PLN's collaboration with 16 universities aims to accelerate energy independence toward green energy.

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The goal is to encourage the achievement of the new renewable energy mix (EBT) in 2025.

This collaboration can also address common challenges related to the energy transition.

16 universities that entered into an MoU with PT PLN

- Medan State University

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