Types of Blood Groups and Disease Risks that are Vulnerable to Their Owners

Types of Blood Groups and Disease Risks that are Vulnerable to Their Owners

Blood group and disease risk-Pixabay-

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Classified based on blood cells that have a certain type of antigen called isoaglutinogen, blood groups are divided into four types, namely A, B, AB, and O.

In addition to antigens, blood groups based on rhesus, or Rh, are marked with positive (+) and negative (-). Thus, there are eight main blood groups: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB-.

If you look at blood type based on the presence of A and B antigens and antibodies, it can be stated that blood type A has antigen (or agglutinogen) A and antibodies (or agglutinin B).

Then, people with blood group B have antigens or agglutinins B and antibodies or agglutinins A.

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For example, blood group AB has antigens or agglutinogens A and B but does not have antibodies or agglutinins.

Meanwhile, people with blood type O do not have any antigens or agglutinogens.

It should be noted that human blood can be grouped using three different systems, such as the ABO system, the MN system, and the Rh system.

Blood type differences are most noticeable when a blood transfusion is performed.

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A blood transfusion between members of the same group results in a match between the donor's blood and the recipient's blood.

Conversely, if there is a blood transfusion from a donor to a recipient with a different blood group, a blood clotting reaction or serological reaction will occur in the recipient's body.

The worst impact of the reaction from blood clots in the recipient's body is that the recipient can die.

Therefore, everyone who is in an emergency and must immediately carry out a blood transfusion must comply with the doctor's instructions.

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