Number 4 is The Most Effective of The Five Tips for Eliminating Sleepiness During Overtime

How to get rid of sleepiness while working overtime. (Pixabay)--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - The workers often feel sleepy beyond measure due to the dense activity. Plus, overtime never ends.
There are many things you can do to get rid of sleepiness when working overtime at the office.
Eliminating sleepiness naturally is, of course, an important thing to maintain our professional attitude at work.
Everyone certainly has a different way of eliminating drowsiness. But there's nothing wrong if you apply a few tips.
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Launching from the official health service site,, there are five effective tips that you can apply when you are sleepy during overtime.
1. Listen to upbeat music.
You can listen to fast-tempo music so that you feel sleepy quickly, especially music that contains happiness and joy.
Avoid listening to slow or sad songs. Songs with slow tempos usually cause us to feel calm and sleepy quickly.
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2. Take a short walk.
Taking a short walk is defined as making small movements when you are working overtime.
If you focus too much in front of a computer screen, then sleepiness will easily come when work is busy.
Boredom is the leading cause of sleepiness when working at night, in particular.
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