Alert! This is The Danger of Smoking After Eating, According to dr. Saddam Ismail

Alert! Here's the Danger of Smoking After Finishing Eating Decreased dr. Saddam Ismail--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Following are the dangers of smoking after eating, according to Dr. Saddam Ismail, are you one of them?
Smoking is a habit that most people do. Not infrequently they often smoke after eating.
However, it turns out that this habit is very dangerous for health and can cause various diseases.
Quoted from the YouTube channel @Saddam Ismail, dr. Saddam Ismail shared an explanation regarding the dangers of smoking after eating.
"Actually the bad effects of smoking are not only after eating, at other times it is also dangerous to experience health problems so it's not just after eating." Said Dr. Saddam Ismail.
Here are some health problems that can occur if you smoke immediately after eating.
1. Increases the Risk of Heartburn
The dangers of smoking are related to digestive health. Digestion will be disturbed and become unhealthy.
This is because the effects of inhaled smoke, the nicotine contained in tobacco can affect the esophageal sphincter muscle, which is the muscle that connects the stomach or esophagus.
This muscle can weaken when it weakens. Gastric acid, which should not be allowed to rise upwards, can rise upwards and can cause stomach ulcers or gastric disorders.
2. Prevents Nutrient Absorption
the digestive process takes place when we chew food, when food swallows the food and reaches the stomach.
But digestion, the process of absorption of nutrients occurs when the food has arrived in the small intestine.
when smoking the absorption of nutrients will be disrupted, because it is not able to maintain proper nutrition.
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Sumber: youtube saddam ismail