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Fantastic! The Wealthiest Deputy Governor of Sumatra Owns This Property

Fantastic! The Wealthiest Deputy Governor of Sumatra Owns This Property

Wealth Ilustration.-Pixabay-

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Musa Rajekshah's wealth is far above that of other deputy governors on the island of Sumatra. Fantastic value. making him the richest deputy governor in Sumatra.

The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra for the 2018–2023 period has assets worth IDR 102,073,803,183.

The wealth consists of dozens of plots of land and buildings worth IDR 25,705,520,237. The assets are spread across Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang.

Unlike the governor, Edy Rahmayadi, Musa has dozens of means of transportation and machinery. Its value reaches IDR 16,094,580,000.

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According to a quote from elhkpn.kpk.go.id, depending on the type of submission or report for the February 20, 2022, periodical, the transportation equipment and machinery owned by Musa Rajekshah consisted of 80 cars and motorbikes.

Overall, this is a list of assets owned by the deputy governor of Sumatra.

1. Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah

Musa Rajekshah has fantastic wealth. His wealth reached IDR 102,073,803,183.

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The wealth of this man, who is familiarly called Ijeck, consists of dozens of plots of land and buildings worth IDR 25,705,520,237. The assets are located in the cities of Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang.

The richest deputy governor in Sumatra also owns dozens of means of transportation and machinery. The total value reaches IDR 16,094,580,000.

Quoted from the elhkpn.kpk.go.id page, in the submission/type of report for the 2 February 2022 periodical 2021, the transportation equipment and machinery owned by Musa Rajekshah consisted of a 1965 Ford Utility jeep, a 1974 Dodge DJ6 Utility jeep, and a 1976 CJ-5 Canvastop Jeep Willys.

Then the CJ-7 Hardtop Willys Jeep, the Wrangler Jeep, the 1965 Harley Davidson Sporter motorbike, and two Seadoo Jetski RXP 260 RS ships or boats.

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