Gayau Lagoon, the enchantment of natural beauty hidden in Kiluan Bay

Gayau Lagoon at Kiluan Bay, Tanggamus.--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - One of the tourist attractions in LAMPUNG that is very popular among tourists is the Gayau Lagoon.
Gayau Lagoon is located in Tanggamus Regency, specifically in the village of Kiluan Negeri and in the Kelumbayan sub-district.
Laguna Gayau, also known as Giant Pool or Sea Pool, is actually Laguna Gayau, a lagoon located behind Kiluan Hill and adjacent to the beautiful Gayau Beach.
The lagoon itself is a collection of salt water separated from the sea by a cluster of rocks as a barrier, which at first glance looks like a natural pool.
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With a depth that is medium to very wide and the color of the water being blue, many tourists are looking for the Gayau Lagoon to enjoy the fresh seawater.
However, please be careful because the tidal waves of the Indian Ocean are so big that they can drown you or even wash you away.
Therefore, security must still be considered when visiting the Gayau Lagoon.
It is said that now tourists cannot enter Gayau Lagoon without a guide, and they also have to pay attention to the weather at that time.
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This is because there were many victims who were swept away by the waves while swimming in the Gayau Lagoon. then to Kiluan Bay by road for approximately 6 hours. Meanwhile, to get to the Gayau Lagoon, you have to do a 30-minute climb.
Before entering the Laguna Gayau tourist route, visitors must buy a ticket for IDR 5,000 per person.
The hiking trail that should be taken on foot for 30 minutes is a climbing area with rocky paths going up and down.
During the walk, we can enjoy the cool air as we head towards the Gayau Lagoon, where we can still enjoy the view of the open sea from the top of the hill.
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