5 Mountain Recommendations in Lampung for Climbers That You Must Know, No. 2: Frequently Visited

Mt. Seminung on the other side of Ranau Lake. FOTO ENDANG GUNTORO/DISPORAPAR LAMPUNG BARAT --
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Lampung does not only offer the beauty of the charm of its beaches, the beauty of the charm of the mountains in Lampung is no less authentic.
It can be said that the charm of the mountains in Lampung is still fairly original and has not been fully explored.
The following are radarlampung.co.id recommendations for climbers who want to hike to five mountains in Lampung.
1. Mount Pesagi
Mount Pesagi is one of the highest mountains in Lampung Province. The height of the mountain reaches 2,262 MDPL (Meters above sea level). Mount Pesagi is located in Liwa City, Balik Liwa District, West Lampung Regency.
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If you want to climb the mountain, there are two hiking trails that you can take: the first route can be taken from the village of Hanyay, and the second route from the village of Hujung. Both routes require a total of 12 hours to get to the top of Mount Pesagi.
If you are going to hike in the rainy season, the travel time can increase because the terrain is difficult and steep when it rains. The ground will become soft and tend to be muddy, making travel routes slow and disrupted.
The highest peak on the land of Lampung will present exotic natural views; from this peak, we can see the water surface covering Lake Ranau, residents' settlements, and the sea on the edge of the Krui and Belimbing areas.
The beauty and natural beauty around Mount Pesagi are still very well maintained. This is one of the main attractions for nature lovers and tourists who like challenges and conquering this mountain because Mount Pesagi is still believed by the local community to have a strong mystical aroma.
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The peak of Mount Pesagi has the privilege that there are challenging climbing routes, and along the hiking trails we can enjoy the beauty of various orchids and some of the wild fauna in the area.
2. Mount Tanggamus
Mount Tanggamus is located in Kota Agung District, Tanggamus Regency, Lampung Province. This mountain is right northeast of Kota Agung, which is about 10 kilometers away.
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