5 Mountain Recommendations in Lampung for Climbers That You Must Know, No. 2: Frequently Visited

5 Mountain Recommendations in Lampung for Climbers That You Must Know, No. 2: Frequently Visited

Mt. Seminung on the other side of Ranau Lake. FOTO ENDANG GUNTORO/DISPORAPAR LAMPUNG BARAT --

This mountain is the second-highest mountain after Mount Pesagi. This mountain has a very interesting panorama, one of my favorites is the panorama of Semaka Bay, which is seen as a whole from its peak.

The mountain, which has an altitude of 2,100 meters above sea level, is one of the destinations for climbers who are nature lovers. Usually, the route that is often traversed is through Gisting District.

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From Gisting, climbers have to walk 5 kilometers to reach the end of the asphalt. Hikers will find a base camp or snorkeling spot after another 5 kilometers.15 minutes there, climbers will find the entrance (Jungle), and then 3 hours from there, climbers will find the second shelter.

3. Mount Rajabasa

With a height of about 1,281 meters above sea level, Mount Rajabasa is geographically located in Kalianda, South Lampung Regency.

Mount Rajabasa has numerous outstanding potentials, including geothermal energy potential, conservation potential, and incredible tourism potential.

The tourism potential around Mount Rajabasa is very interesting. There are streams of clear water, exotic waterfalls, and hot springs at the foot of Mount Rajabasa.

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We can access the hiking trail to the top of Mount Rajabasa through several hiking trails, such as those from Sumur Kumbang Village, Kecapi Village, Sukaraja Pesisir Village, and Way Kalam Penengahan Village.

However, in general, climbers usually use the hiking trail through Sumur Kumbang Village. From the village to the summit, it takes about 6 to 7 hours of travel.

4. Mount Seminung

Mount Seminung is located in West Lampung, which is located in Sukau District, West Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, which is directly adjacent to Banding Agung District, South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency.

Mount Seminung is one area that is quite unique and fun to climb. It can be said that visitors who come to this area are never empty of climbers; especially during the holiday season, the number of visitors coming to this mountain will increase.

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