Sumatra's 8 Most Beautiful Islands: Amazing Enchantment

One of the tourist destinations on the island of Sumatra, Pulauweh's. --
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – An island is a body of land surrounded by water. Continents are surrounded by water; they are not considered islands because they are so big.
Sumatra Island is one of the largest islands in Indonesia, but apart from that, Sumatra Island has lots of small islands around it that are no less charming.
Here are the 8 Most Beautiful Islands in Sumatra: Natural Enchantment at its Best.
1. Weh Island
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Weh Island is located in Aceh Province. Pulau Weh is a small volcanic island; apart from that, Pulau Weh has its own beauty, namely Iboih Beach, which has underwater beauty.
2. Belitung Island
Belitung Island is located in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Belitung Island has its own beauty, with granite boulders lined up and shining in the sun along the coastline.
3. Pamutus Island
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Pamutusan Island, which is located in Bungis Teluk Kabung, is about 38 kilometers from Padang City.
Pamutusan Island has a beach with fine white sand and amazing underwater views; besides that, you can go up the hill to relax while looking at the scenery around in the form of small islands.
4. Pahawang Island
Pahawang Island is located in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Pahawang Island has its own beauty as an island that offers a wealth of very beautiful coral reefs and a variety of beautiful, colorful fish.
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