4 Religious Destinations Suitable for Ngabuburit Before Fasting

Instagram photo Zou picture: Al-Aminah Floating Mosque can be used as a recommendation for religious destinations, especially when doing ngabuburit activities ahead of breaking the fast of Ramadan.--
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Yes, the mosque was founded in 2011. The building for this place of worship is not very big. However, the ornaments on the mosque are quite aesthetic because of the blend of the Middle East with the culture of the local community. The different sensation of Ngabuburit while in a religious destination will certainly feel even more solemn.
4. Jami'Al-Anwar Mosque
The Jami Al-Anwar Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Lampung, where the mosque was built around 1938, meaning that this place of worship existed before Mount Krakatau erupted in 1883.
Making the mosque located at Jalan Laksamana Malahayati Number 100, Kangkung Village, Teluk Betung Selatan District, and Bandar Lampung is one of the recommendations for attractive religious destinations for Ngabuburit ahead of breaking the fast of Ramadhan 1444 Hijiriah.
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Thus, the four recommendations for religious destinations in Lampung, such as mosques, are suitable for Ngabuburit ahead of breaking the fast. Hopefully, visiting these locations will add value to your Ramadan reward. (*)
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