Check Out This Explanation: Fasting Can Improve Brain Function

Brain function can improve even when a person is fasting. Illustration/
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - When fasting, the body will not carry out activities such as eating and drinking.
Fasting will certainly affect the metabolic processes that occur in the body to produce energy.
The fasting person will not eat or drink from morning until evening.
Even though we know in general that the brain and all tissues in the human body need enough energy to work optimally.
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In this case, even though the body does not get energy intake within a certain time.
But the human body actually has a special mechanism for channeling energy.
One of the most important parts of humans that gets a lot of energy when fasting is the brain.
The benefits of fasting for brain health and performance are generally due to better eating patterns.
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This condition is certainly different than when not fasting.
When not fasting, some people may tend to eat all kinds of foods that fall into the unhealthy category.
As a result of the habit of consuming unhealthy types of food that are certainly lacking in nutrition, it can make daily nutritional needs unfulfilled.
If the body's daily nutritional needs are not met, it will affect brain cells and even reduce intelligence.
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