6 Fruit Recommendations Suitable for Diabetics

Rabu 29-03-2023,13:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

2. Tomatoes

Having a low GI and being low in carbohydrates, tomatoes are also suitable for consumption because they don't increase glucose or blood sugar levels in the body significantly.

The tomatoes that have the most antioxidants are raw tomatoes. Not ketchup or any other tomato product.

3. Blueberries

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Blueberries have sufficient fiber content at 3.5 grams per cup.

Then the glycemic index is also low, at 53.

In this case, blueberries are included in the list of the best fruits for controlling blood sugar levels in the body.

In several studies, berries, especially those of the color indigo, have anti-diabetic effects in humans.

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4. Blackberry

Apart from blueberries, there are also fruits that are included in the berry family that can help maintain blood sugar levels in the body, namely blackberries.

Blackberry is known to have a very low glycemic index (GI). Only 25 only.

Blackberry's low GI score makes it a fruit that won't raise blood sugar as much as mangoes or grapes, which have a high GI score.

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In addition, a high-fiber diet with blackberries is also beneficial in fighting insulin resistance and reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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