BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - When fasting, most people certainly have various complaints.
A common complaint during fasting is a headache that makes you feel dizzy.
As we know, when fasting, the body will experience a decrease in fluids.
This condition is actually common in people who fast.
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In Islam, fasting is a form of worship in which Muslims endure hunger and thirst.
Muslims are required to refrain from hunger and thirst when fasting.
Not only that, fasting is also done to increase good deeds and refrain from lust.
There are some of the most common complaints that occur when a person's body is fasting.
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People who are in a state of fasting will generally feel dizzy in the head.
In this case, there are several factors that can trigger a person to feel dizzy while fasting.
A decrease in sugar levels, or hypoglycemia, can be a factor in disrupting fasting.
Apart from that, there are also other trigger factors, such as fatigue, lack of rest, decreased fluids, or dehydration, that can cause vertigo.
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