Headaches When Fasting? Here's How to Overcome It

Sabtu 15-04-2023,13:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

reported by Radarlampung.co.id from the alodokter page on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Feeling dizzy when fasting can be overcome by stopping for a while from the activities you are doing.

Sit slowly so that the body feels more relaxed and comfortable.

Don't force your work if you are in that condition.

It can actually cause other problems, such as falling and sustaining an injury, due to an imbalance in the body.

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Dizziness during fasting can also be overcome by changing the position of the body to be more comfortable.

Don't rush to change your sitting position when fasting. because it will actually cause other bad effects.

Then close your eyes for a moment while holding your breath so that you are calmer and more relieved.

If the dizziness that you feel is accompanied by pain, then massage your head slowly. (*)

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