BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia asked the public to be vigilant regarding the spread of the new variant of the Covid-19 Arcturus virus.
The public is asked to be vigilant because currently two cases of a new variant of the Covid-19 Arcturus virus have been recorded in Indonesia.
As a result of the discovery of this new variant of COVID-19 Arcturus, the public is asked to be vigilant and careful, especially groups that are vulnerable to exposure to the virus.
Based on Radarlampung.co.id monitoring of the Instagram account @kemenkes_ri on Monday, April 17, 2023. To date, 2 patients have been found positive for the COVID-19 variant of Arcturus.
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The two patients who were confirmed positive for the Covid-19 variant of the arcturus included 1 PPLN (foreign traveler) and 1 local transmission.
For information, although the symptoms caused by this virus are relatively mild and do not cause serious illness or death,
However, the spread of this subvariant is contagious and has the potential to cause a spike in COVID-19 cases.
The Arcturus variant itself is a subvariant of Omicron, which is thought to have very high infectious power.
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Then for the symptoms, this subvariant causes symptoms that tend to be mild and almost the same as flu symptoms.
With the ability that this subvariant has, it can cause spikes in a relatively short time.
Just like what has happened in India and a number of other countries that are infected.
Therefore, the public is advised to increase self-protection with disciplined health protocols and hasten the COVID-19 vaccination to provide more optimal protection.
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