Erdogan Surati Prabowo

Jumat 23-02-2024,14:37 WIB
Reporter : Widisandika Budiman
Editor : Widisandika Budiman

Surat Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan kepada Prabowo Subianto--instagram @prabowo 

Surat dari Erdogan itu diunggah Prabowo Subianto dalam akun resmi instagramnya, Kamis 22 Februari 2024. 

“Kemarin saya menerima surat ucapan selamat dari Presiden Türkiye @rterdogan, mengenai hasil sementara Pemilu 2024, tulis Prabowo. 

Surat dari Erdogan itu  diantar langsung oleh Duta Besar Turki untuk Indonesia Talip Küçükcan. 

“Saya ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam atas dukungan dan persahabatan antara kedua negara kita,” kata Menteri Pertahanan RI itu.

BACA JUGA:Mayor Teddy Viral, Bantu Pendukung Prabowo Pingsan di GBK, Ini Tanggapan Netizen

Berikut isi lengkap surat Presiden Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan ke Prabowo Subianto

Unofficial Translation

Mr. President Elect, Dear Brother, 

I Would like to congratulate Yur Excellency on behalf of my people and my behalf on your election as the President of the Republic of Indonesia and hope that the election results will be auspicious. 

I whoreheartedly believe that we will further develop our relations, which are strengthened by our historical ties and common values, on the basis of our strategic partnership, for the mutual benefit of our people in the period ahead. 

I would like to renew my best wishes for the personal health and happiness of Your Excellency and the well-being of the friendly and brotherly people of Indonesia. (*)

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