Historical Tourism to Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Park, East Lampung, Visitors Can Find It

Historical Tourism to Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Park, East Lampung, Visitors Can Find It

Historical Tourism of Pugung Raharjo Archaelogical Park . FOTO DWI PRIHANTONO/RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID --

Each circular mound is 2-3 meters high and 1,200 meters long. Both from the left and right, the two mounds of land end in the Pugung River.

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After passing through the gate, visitors can explore the location via a path that made of paving blocks.

About 200 meters, you can see a large stone arrangement forming a 10 x 10 meter square. 

In the middle of the stone arrangement is a standing stone called Menhir or corpse stone. It is called that, because it looks like a wrapped corpse two meters high with a diameter of 40 cm.

Meanwhile, the stone that surrounds it is in the form of an altar, small menhirs, stone slabs etched like the letter T on both sides.

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In his time, the arrangement of these stones as a symbol of the cycle of life, namely birth and death. Meanwhile, Menhir is a symbol of a man, then, a stone plate etched with the letter T represents a woman.

In front of the location of the corpse stone, you can see a rectangular mound with three stories called Punden Berundak.

The higher up than the smaller. Each level is separated by a terrace surrounded by andesite stones.

In the park there are 13 terraced terraces of various sizes and the largest is located in front of the Corpse Stone.

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Not far from the biggest Punden Berundak, there is a bathing pool. At that location, there are two pools with clear water.

One pool is for bathing and the other is usually used by visitors to soak their feet while sitting by the pool. 

Punden Berundak in Pugung Raharjo Archaeological Park. PHOTO DWI PRIHANTONO/RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID --

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