5 Best Beach Destinations in West Coast Krui

Best Beach Recommendation in Krui. IMAGES/Orie Yasa Fhirli--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - West Coast Krui is an area located in the district of Lampung province, Indonesia. With its capital city being Krui, Pesisir Barat Regency is based on Law Number 22 of 2012 concerning the Establishment of the West Coast District of Lampung Province on October 25 2012 concerning the formation of the West Coast district to become Lampung Province and was inaugurated on April 22 2013.
With at least 164,453 inhabitants, the west coast region has a stretch of coast that extends to the border of Bengkulu, with a wide stretch of beach that makes most of the livelihoods of the local population mostly fishermen; besides that, many people also work as farmers.
In an area that has a stretch of beach, some communities and the local government manage the beach as a local tourist destination. so that many tourists, both domestic and foreign,
Here are the five best beach destinations owned by West Coast Krui.
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1. Labuhan Jukung Beach
If you want to take a vacation to Krui district, then one of the most famous beach tours is Labuhan Jukung beach. This tour presents the beach as a tourist spot to see the sunset. Apart from that, you can also surf in good weather and wave conditions.
Labuhan Jukung tourism has quite complete facilities, especially close to the inn so that there are culinary snacks that stretch along the way.
2. Banana Island
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If you are looking for a beach that is still beautiful and far from the crowds, then a trip to Pisang Island is the best destination.
To cross to Pisang Island, you can take an engine located in the Krui market or you can cross from the Tobacco Pier area.
Pisang Island has several tourist spots, starting from Marcusuar, a remnant of Dutch development.
You will be faced with friendly residents, and besides that, you will also be free to go around the beach with beautiful views. for deployment hours starting from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with conditions that support the weather.
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