4 Interesting Facts Behind the Legendary Poltergeist Movie

Poltergeist Movie. IMAGES/Twitter--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Poltergeist is a film that was released on June 4, 1982.
This Poltergeist film was directed by Steven Spielberg and distributed by MGM.
It was nominated for three Oscars at the same time because it was the first and most successful Poltergeist film.
Summarized by radarlampung.co.id from various sources on Friday, October 28, 2022, the following are interesting facts contained in the film Poltergeist:
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1. The meaning of "Poltergeist"
The title "Poltergeist" comes from the German word.
poltern, which means to make a sound and rumble.
while the word Geist means ghosts and spirits.
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In its full meaning, "poltergeist" means a noisy ghost.
2. By Steven Spielberg
In the process, Steven Spielberg actually invited Tobe Hooper because he was impressed with the film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, which was released in 1974.
But in the end, it was Spielberg who directed most of these Poltergeist films.
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