Distribution of PLN Electricity and New Installation Assistance for 80,183 households (RT) in the 3T area
Distribution of PLN Electricity and New Installation Assistance for 80,183 households (RT) in the 3T area.--
The aim is to increase the electrification ratio in the 3T region. Then help the community gain access to electricity.
This year's BPBL program target was exceeded. It even exceeded the target, namely 80,183 households. "Next year, BPBL will continue with a target of 83,000 households in 32 provinces," said Wanhar.
Meanwhile, the Main Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, revealed that the distribution of free electricity in the BPBL program is clear evidence of the state's commitment to realizing equitable energy.
Therefore, PLN will continue to support the government's efforts to increase the electrification ratio (RE), so that people can access electricity and drive the wheels of the economy.
It is known that families receiving the BPBL program will receive facilities for installing electrical installations, including as many as three light points and one socket.
Then check and test the installation of the Certificate of Operation Worthiness (SLO) and fill in the free initial electricity token. (*)
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