Subsidized BBM Purchases Must Be Made Using the MyPertamina App; See How to Register

Buying Subsidized Fuel is Mandatory Using the MyPertamina Application. ILUSTRATION/IMAGES PIXABAY.COM--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - The government is currently known to be processing regulations regarding the use of subsidized fuel.
This is done in an effort to use subsidized fuel oil (BBM) so that it can be more targeted.
This was reported by from the official BPH-Migas website on January 5, 2022.
The government, in this case the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH-Migas), noted that it is currently processing regulations regarding the use of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) so that its use can be more targeted.
The regulation that will regulate this is a revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning the provision, distribution, and retail selling prices of oil fuel (BBM).
Later, after the regulation has been legally revised by the government, the use of subsidized fuel will only target those who are entitled to it.
Through appropriate subsidies, for example, through the MyPertamina application, it is hoped that subsidized fuel purchases will be more integrated using the IT system.
The Presidential Regulation, which is the benchmark for Pertamina's new BBM regulations, will require the purchase of subsidized fuel, such as Pertalite and Solar, using the MyPertamina application starting in 2023.
Then, to register in the MyPertamina application itself, there are still several criteria and requirements that must be met.
This is because not all people who register can be immediately accepted as legal buyers of subsidized fuel.
For people who have met the criteria and requirements, it is better to first listen to the contents of the new subsidized fuel regulations.
In the new regulation on subsidized fuel, it is predicted that subsidized fuel from Pertamina, such as Pertalite and Solar, can only be purchased by users who have vehicles with low cubic centimeters (CC).
In addition, the Pertalite BBM and Solar Subsidies only apply to car vehicles, namely 1,400 CC and below, and 250 CC and below for two-wheeled vehicles, alias motorcycles.
In order not to cause conflict in the community, the government's consideration of vehicle CC and other criteria will be the main focus.
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