Classic Game that Kids Still Play Today, Aside From Lato-Lato

Classic Game that Kids Still Play Today, Aside From Lato-Lato

a group of children playing a game of lato-lato. (TikTok)--

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Make six squares from top to bottom. In the fifth box, make more right and left squares so they form a T. When finished, please play. The hopscotch game can be played with one or two throwing stones.

5. Playing conch

The conch game is most in demand by girls. However, sometimes there are also boys who play along. This game requires as many as six snails. The conch used is the same size.

If there are no snails, they can be replaced with pebbles. In addition, a ball is needed; it can be a baseball, ping-pong ball, or rubber ball.

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6. Play Marbles (Gundu)

The game of marbles is often also called the game of marbles or marbles. In Java, this game is called playing nekeran; in Palembang, it is called ekar; and in Banjar, it is called kleker.

This game is much in demand by boys, but sometimes girls play too. There are many forms of marble games. Here are some forms that are common for children:

7. Kites

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Kite games have become popular in Indonesia since the 20th century. Flying a kite is very fun, especially if the kite we are flying is flying high in the air. Playing kites can be done alone or with friends.

Kites can be purchased in stores or made by to fly it using a thread. Kite thread depends on the kite used. If the kite is light, sewing thread is sufficient. If the kite is heavy, you have to use fishing line.

Flying a kite requires an open area with wind. Kites cannot fly without the help of the wind. Flying a kite in this game requires skill. The players are expected to be able to make the right decision about whether to pull or stretch their kite string.

8. Congklak Game

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