Classic Game that Kids Still Play Today, Aside From Lato-Lato

Classic Game that Kids Still Play Today, Aside From Lato-Lato

a group of children playing a game of lato-lato. (TikTok)--

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With the names of each area, this game is spread throughout Indonesia.The Javanese call it playing dakon.

Sumatran people generally call this game congklak. However, in Lampung, this game is called boom. Sulawesians refer to it as mokaotan.

Although the name is different, the pattern of play remains the same. There are only two players. A congklak board is required for this game.

In the past, congklak boards were made of wood, with holes provided as needed. Congklak boards are now made of plastic and sold on the market.

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Congklak seeds can be shells, plant seeds, or small pebbles. The number of congklak seeds varies according to the game's requirements.If each hole contains four seeds, 56 congklak seeds are required.

If one hole is given seven seeds, it takes 98 conga-like seeds. This is because one row has seven holes. Two rows mean 14 holes.

Each player has seven such holes. In addition, there are two large holes in the head and legs that are reserved for each player.

9. Playing Hula Hoops

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The hula hoop, or "waist rattan," is a traditional Indonesian game that was formerly made of rattan. In accordance with the times, hula hoops are now made of plastic.

Hula hooping is a tricky game. It takes skill and practice to play it. Beginners do not give up trying to succeed.

Some hula hoops are made of rattan; some are made of plastic. The shape is round with several sizes. The small size is usually for children. big size for adults.

This game can be played alone or with friends. The hula hoop is placed on the waist. Players then sway while playing it.

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