12 Universities in Indonesia Have Majors in Photography

12 Universities in Indonesia Have Majors in Photography

Campuses That Have Photography Majors.--

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The Photography Study Program at UK Petra aims to prepare students with technical and creative skills in the art of photography, as well as a strong understanding of the aesthetic and cultural values in photography.

This study program also provides an in-depth understanding of the history and development of photography as an art.

10. Jakarta State University

The Photography Study Program at UNJ aims to prepare students with technical skills and creativity in the art of photography, as well as a strong understanding of aesthetic and cultural values in photography.

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This study program also provides an in-depth understanding of the history and development of photography as an art.

In the Photography Study Program at UNJ, students will learn about photography techniques, art photography, documentary photography, editorial photography, and digital processing.

In addition, students will also be trained to develop creativity and artistic vision through challenging photography projects.

This study program also offers access to modern photography facilities, including the latest photography studios and photographic equipment.

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11. Binus University

In the Photography Study Program at Binus, students will learn about photography techniques, art photography, documentary photography, editorial photography, and digital processing.

In addition, students will also be trained to develop creativity and artistic vision through challenging photography projects.

This study program also offers access to modern photography facilities, including the latest photography studios and photographic equipment.

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