5 Warmindo Restaurant Recommendations in Bandar Lampung, From Warkop Style to Cafe

Warmindo's recommendations in Bandar Lampung.--
BACA JUGA:BRekomendasi 8 Kampus Di Indonesia Yang Mempunyai Jurusan Ilmu Kelautan
Prices start at IDR 20,000. Other menu options are also available here, such as various rice dishes with simple side dishes, various coffees, fried rice, and snacks.
Every day from 10:00 a.m. to 00:00 p.m. WIB
The location is on Jl. Doctor Susilo, Kec. Teluk Betung Utara (next to the Lampung Province Inspectorate).
So, those are Warmindo's recommendations in Bandar Lampung, so what are you waiting for, you fans of Indomie instant noodles? Just visit the recommendations above. (*)
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