Don't be Careless; Wrong Way to Bathe Can Cause Skin Problems

The wrong bathing sequence can trigger skin health problems. Illustration/
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These skin problems will usually arise on the forehead and back.
Bruntus and pimples that appear on the forehead and back area are generally experienced by people who wash with soap first and then wash their hair.
If someone chooses to wash their body first instead of their hair.
Then the residue contained in hair care products known as shampoo or conditioner is removed.
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The residue contained in these products can have adverse effects, such as filling and clogging the skin pores.
If the skin pores are clogged, it will trigger inflammation, which eventually gives rise to other skin problems such as acne.
Therefore, everyone is strongly advised to follow a good and correct bathing sequence to avoid skin problems that can be detrimental.
The first step to take in any bathing sequence is to adjust the temperature of the water before showering.
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Before taking a shower, you have to make sure that the water temperature matches your body temperature.
For example, if you are used to showering with cold water, then it is not a problem. Or you are used to taking showers with warm water; that doesn't matter either.
But if you want to take a shower with warm water, even though your body is used to bathing in cold water, So make sure the water temperature is not too hot because it can cause the skin to feel like it is burning.
The safest water temperature for bathing is lukewarm.
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