Fasting in Uncertain Weather: Strategies for Staying Healthy

Eating foods that rich in antioxidants can help strengthen the body's immunity and maintain health. ILLUSTRATION/
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - There are several fasting strategies, even with the weather that is currently changing.
The transition season, or the change in weather from scorching heat to heavy rain, can make the body more susceptible to disease.
Moreover, this year's Ramadan is predicted to fall during the transition season, so people who are fasting need to pay more attention and maintain their body condition.
Especially at the beginning of the fasting period, the body usually does not yet have optimal conditions and requires an adaptation process to new metabolic patterns.
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During the transition season, several health complaints emerged, including flu, coughing, heartburn, and diarrhea.
Reporting from Halodoc, Dr. Irwan Heriyanto, Chief of Medical Halodoc, said that the transition season has made the spread of disease much faster, one of which is due to the ability of pathogenic organisms to survive outside the host.
This is because the transition season has a suitable climate for pathogens to survive, namely temperature, humidity, sun exposure, pH, and salinity in accordance with their habitat.
"When pathogenic organisms are better able to survive, their spread is also easier," he explained. Therefore, people need to pay more attention to their health and prepare themselves so they can fast in a healthy manner during the transition season.
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Summarized by several sources, there are nine strategies for staying healthy during fasting in the transition season.
1. Iftar or Sahur with Foods that Contain Antioxidants.
Antioxidants help protect the body from cell damage caused by free radicals.
During the transition season, the body is more susceptible to infection and disease, so eating foods rich in antioxidants can help strengthen the body's immunity and maintain health. Fruits and vegetables are examples of foods high in antioxidants.
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