Habit of Rubbing Your Eyes too Hard Can Cause Damage

The cornea can be damage causes by habit of rubbing eyes. Photo/Pexels--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Almost everyone rubs their eyes every day.
Most people who rub their eyes will argue that the eyes feel itchy or tingly.
There is nothing wrong with rubbing your eyes once in a while, especially if there are objects that can interfere with the eyes, such as dust.
But if you want to rub your eyes, then make sure your hands are clean and don't rub too hard.
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In this case, if you rub your eyes too hard, especially if your hands are dirty,
Then it will only cause various eye diseases, which are of course detrimental.
Reported by Radarlampung.co.id from the halodoc.com page on Monday, March 27, 2023. Here are some bad effects that can be caused by rubbing your eyes too hard.
First, if you rub your eyes too hard, especially if your hands are dirty, It can cause an infection in the eye.
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Although it can make us comfortable again and relieve itching in the eyes,
But rubbing your eyes will cause new problems that are detrimental to eye health due to dirty hands when holding them.
Dirty hands are certainly plastered with bacteria and parasites that can cause eye infections.
If an infection occurs in the eye, it will usually cause eye disease, including conjunctivitis or even entropion.
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