Mother Must Be Informed! This is the First Treatment for Febrile Seizures in Children’s

Mother Must Be Informed! This is the First Treatment for Febrile Seizures in Children’s

photo illustration of a baby who is prone to febrile seizures.(Pixabay)--

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Febrile seizures are seizures that often occur with an increase in body temperature, which is caused by an extracranial process that occurs outside the central nervous system.

Febrile seizures also mean seizures in children that are triggered by fever but not by abnormalities in the brain. This step disease usually occurs in children aged 6 months to 5 years.

This was reported by from various sources on January 5, 2023.

This condition might make parents, especially mothers, feel worried. Even so, it should be noted that seizures in children with fever are generally not dangerous and are not a symptom of a serious illness.

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When a child has a febrile seizure, his body can shake violently, be accompanied by jerking movements in the arms or legs, and even lose self-awareness.

Even though it's harmless and only lasts a short time, if a child has a febrile seizure for the first time, parents should contact their doctor immediately.

In addition, parents who still have babies and toddlers also need to be vigilant if a febrile seizure that occurs in a child lasts for more than 5 minutes and is accompanied by vomiting, a stiff neck, and shortness of breath.

Although the reasons for the occurrence of febrile seizures are not known with certainty,However, this condition usually occurs when a child has a fever with a temperature of 38 °C or more.

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There are no other conditions that can cause seizures in that condition, such as brain infections, head injuries, or electrolyte disturbances.

Quoting from the page, fever, which can cause seizures in children, can be triggered by the following two things:

1. After immunization

2. viral infection or bacterial infection

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