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Five Very Useful Benefits of Playing Chess for Brain Health

Five Very Useful Benefits of Playing Chess for Brain Health

Benefits from playing chess for brain health.--

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Playing chess is a sport that can maintain brain health.

Chess is a strategy board game for two people that consists of 64 squares.This exercise can maintain brain health.

The chess pieces are arranged in an 88-square grid that is equally divided into 32 squares each, namely in white and black groups.

The game of chess, which is played by two people, has many benefits. Included in maintaining brain health.

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The benefits of playing chess, as quoted by radarlampung.co.id from alodokter.com, include

1. Maintain Health and Brain Function.

Playing chess can maintain brain function and health. According to several studies, playing chess can increase brain memory capacity and train brain abilities.

2. Intelligence Increases

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The intelligence required to play chess can be trusted to increase. Because in a game of chess, you will be required to think and use reason to find a solution.

So, someone who plays chess can plan and solve the problem at hand.

In fact, there are studies that show that children who like to play chess have better academic achievement and IQ than those who rarely play chess. This means chess games make children smarter.

3. Increased Concentration Power

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