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3 Facts About Marina Bay Sands Singapore Infinity Pool You Should Know

3 Facts About Marina Bay Sands Singapore Infinity Pool You Should Know

3 Facts About Marina Bay Sands Singapore Infinity Pool You Should Know --instagram @marinabaysands

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID-Marina Bay Sands Singapore is one of the most iconic luxury hotels in the world.

The luxury hotel is located in the heart of Singapore and offers stunning views of the city skyline. 

One of the main attractions of Marina Bay Sands Hotel is the Infinity Pool, a swimming pool that is listed as one of the most beautiful swimming pools in the world.

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The Infinity Pool is located at the top of the third tower of Marina Bay Sands. It is 191 meters above the ground. 

The pool is 150 meters long and 8 meters wide and offers 360-degree views of Singapore.

The Infinity Pool is one of Singapore's most popular attractions

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It is frequented by tourists from all over the world and is also a favorite spot for locals to relax and enjoy the view of the city.

Here are three facts about Marina Bay Sands' Infinity Pool that you should know:

1. Has a capacity of up to 1,500 people

As the hotel's main swimming pool, the Infinity Pool can accommodate up to 1,500 people. 

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However, under normal conditions, the number of people swimming in the Infinity Pool never exceeds the pool's capacity. 

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