Spreading Through The Air: Who are Easily Exposed to Tuberculosis?

Sabtu 25-03-2023,16:20 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – TB, also known as tuberculosis, is a disease that attacks the human lungs.

Not only is it bad for lung health, but someone who has TB has the possibility of getting other diseases.

This is because TB disease can also attack other organs besides the lungs.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says there are around 1.5 million people in the world who die from suffering from TB disease.

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Tuberculosis is one of the world's ten leading causes of death.

If we look globally, Indonesia is the country with the most TB sufferers.

The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia noted that there were around 842 thousand Indonesians suffering from tuberculosis in 2022.

Tuberculosis, or TB, is a deadly disease caused by a bacterial infection (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

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Generally, the bacteria that cause TB disease will attack the human lungs.

This condition is known as "lung spots."

TB transmission is actually not as easy as spreading viruses that cause colds or coughs.

Although it's not easy, the bacteria that cause TB can spread through the air.

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