Check Out the Following Explanation: Tuberculosis Complications Can Cause Joint Damage

One of the complications caused by a bacterial infection that causes TB is damage to the joints. ILLUSTRATION/
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – TBC, or tuberculosis, is an infectious disease caused by the spread of bacteria.
The bacterium that causes a person to suffer from TB disease is Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Apart from attacking the human lungs, this bacterial infection can also attack the brain, lymph nodes, central nervous system, heart, and human spine.
For information, Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be transmitted through the air through the saliva of TB patients.
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Transmission of the bacteria that causes TB can occur when the sufferer coughs, sneezes, talks, laughs, or even sings.
TB transmission, as previously reported by, is not as simple as the spread of viruses that cause flu or cough.
Although it's not easy, the bacteria that cause TB can spread through the air.
During the transmission process, the TB-causing bacteria requires close contact for a long time in the same place as the sufferer.
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In this case, it can be exemplified by the same residence or office and being in the same room, as well as frequent interactions.
Meanwhile, tuberculosis, or TB, can cause fatal complications if the sufferer does not immediately take treatment.
The bacteria that cause tuberculosis can harm the sufferer's lungs and, worse, spread to other people who are also infected.
Reported by from the page on Saturday, March 25, 2023. There are several complications caused by a bacterial infection that causes tuberculosis, or TB, which are as follows:
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