Check Out the Following Explanation: Tuberculosis Complications Can Cause Joint Damage

One of the complications caused by a bacterial infection that causes TB is damage to the joints. ILLUSTRATION/
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A common complication that is often felt by tuberculosis or TB sufferers is pain in the back.
TB patients will experience joint damage in addition to back pain.
If the sufferer's joints are damaged, it can affect everything from the hips to the knees.
If there are other symptoms characterized by headaches that last a long time, even for weeks.
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Patients with tuberculosis should see a doctor right away to determine whether there is swelling of the membrane covering the brain or if they have meningitis.
In addition, another complication that is felt by TB sufferers is the occurrence of inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs.
If there is a buildup of fluid in the sufferer's lungs, then of course this can interfere with the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body.
On the other hand, in the previous news, the World Health Organization (WHO) said there were around 1.5 million people in the world who died as a result of suffering from TB.
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Tuberculosis is one of the world's top ten causes of death.
If we look globally, Indonesia is the country with the most TB sufferers.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia noted that there were around 842 thousand Indonesians suffering from tuberculosis in 2022.
Furthermore, there are several groups of people who are said to be more easily infected with the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.
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