Be Alert: Burnout Can Chronically Harm Your Body

Burnout. Ilustration/Pixabay--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Too much work that comes suddenly and without stopping can certainly cause headaches.
A person who takes on too much work without any time off is sure to get a headache that feels like it's about to burst.
If you experience this, then you need to be aware of burnout.
Launching from the page on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 Burnout is known as a syndrome that develops in response to a work condition.
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In this case, the work in question is work that chronically harms the human body.
The risks posed by burnout are even higher and can even cause depression.
One of the characteristics of a person experiencing burnout is feeling emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of personal achievement.
Too much pressure on the work being done can also be one of the triggers for experiencing burnout.
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Feelings of emotional or physical exhaustion to the point of inability to cope with problems are common symptoms of burnout.
Not only that, someone who experiences burnout also sometimes feels pain in the body and stomach due to digestive problems.
Someone who experiences burnout often feels alienated from all activities related to the work they are doing.
Burnout will make the person feel increasingly frustrated, to the point of feeling cynical with co-workers.
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