5 Garden Party Locations in Lampung: Make Your Wedding Moment More Casual

Kampoengwisata Tabek Indah Resort Instagram photo: The atmosphere of an outdoor wedding reception with the theme of a garden party took place at Tabek Indah Resort.--
BANDARLAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID –Wedding parties in buildings or rooms seem to be commonplace. How about a wedding party that is a little unique and seems more relaxed? You can choose to hold a marriage ceremony at an outdoor wedding reception with a garden party atmosphere.
Whereas, holding an outdoor wedding party (reception) makes your sacred moment more casual and intimate.
Various outdoor wedding reception packages are available in Bandar Lampung, such as receptions with a garden atmosphere (garden party).
Then, poolside (pool party) and other outdoor areas will allow your sacred moments with your partner to be more casual and intimate, which will make your wedding party more memorable and unforgettable.
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Here are five outdoor wedding reception packages with a garden party atmosphere to make your sacred moments more casual.
1. Sabina Lumbung Persada (Sabina Farm)
Sabina Lumbung Persada, or better known as Sabina Farm, is one of the agrotourism sites to visit.
Located on Jalan Hi.Daman Lubis, Gang Jaling, Tegallega Village, Kel. Karang Anyar, and Kec. Jati Agung, South Lampung Regency, this is an agro-tourism area with a dragon fruit plantation atmosphere.
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The agrotourism concept is present in the rural concept but is still up to date, with road access locations that are quite good. The atmosphere is cool and calm, and the air is fresh.
Make one of the recommendations for Garden Party packages in Lampung, which can make your wedding moments more casual.
Tabek Indah Resort is a tourist village located at Jalan Raya, Calling, Natar, South Lampung Regency, Lampung. The air is quite cold and refreshing.
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