Beware: Rainy Season is Prone to Infecting You With the Influenza Virus

Headaches can be one of the symptoms of influenza. Illustration/Freepik--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – The people of Indonesia certainly understand very well that the rainy season is now entering.
The rainy season is certainly prone to causing health to decline, not only among children and adolescents but also among adults.
One of the diseases that is prone to infecting the human body is the flu.
As most people know, the flu is a disease caused by a virus.
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Usually, the virus that is carried and causes the flu attacks the nose, throat, and lungs in the human body.
The flu, also known as influenza, generally occurs in the transitional season, as it is today.
Of course, the community must be vigilant because the virus that is spread by the flu can spread to other people.
However, the spread of flu or influenza-borne viruses can be contracted within the first 3 to 4 days after the sufferer is infected with the virus.
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Launching from the page, the symptoms that people who contract the influenza virus will generally feel include fever, headache, and coughing.
Not only that, but people who contract this virus will feel achy and have a sore throat, which will cause them to lose their appetite.
Even though it will eventually improve if you get treatment according to the doctor's recommendations, these flu symptoms will generally get worse for 2 to 4 days before finally recovering from the virus.
For information, the influenza virus can generally spread through the air.
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