For Office Workers: Beware of Computer Vision Syndrome!

Computer Vision Syndrome due to continuous computer use. Ilustration/NET--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Working continuously at the computer? Be careful with the symptoms of computer vision syndrome (SPK).
Computer vision syndrome, also known as computer vision syndrome, is a type of vision disorder.
These symptoms are caused by the continuous use of computers, laptops, smartphones, or other electronic devices.
Reporting from, this computer vision syndrome is the same as carpal tunnel syndrome, due to doing the same movements repeatedly and causing injury or stress.
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Continuous use of or work in front of a computer can also have a negative impact on eye health.
where eye muscle movements are forced to work hard when someone is continuously in front of the monitor screen.
When facing a monitor, eye muscles work harder than when someone reads a book or paper.
This happens because the computer monitor screen has additional elements, such as lighting.
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Meanwhile, working at a computer requires that the eyes remain focused and align with what is seen on the monitor screen.
These disorders can occur if a person has had a history of eye disorders before. For example, symptoms of nearsightedness or farsightedness
This includes workers not wearing glasses or wearing the wrong glasses.
In addition, as a person gets older, the eye lens becomes less flexible.
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