Be Alert: Type of TB Disease Following the Symptoms That Arise

Tuberculosis or TB disease is classified according to the signs and symptoms it causes. ILLUSTRATION/
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - The World Health Organization (WHO) said there were around 1.5 million people in the world who died from tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis, or tuberculosis, is one of the ten most common causes of death in the world today.
Globally, Indonesia is the country with the most tuberculosis (TB) sufferers in the world.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia noted that there were around 842 thousand Indonesians suffering from tuberculosis in 2022.
Tuberculosis has two types, which are distinguished as latent TB and active TB.
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Reported by Radarlampung from the page on Saturday, March 25, 2023. The following is an explanation of the symptoms of tuberculosis or TB by type:
The first symptom of this type of latent TB is that the bacteria that cause it are in an inactive state.
In this case, the sufferer does not experience any symptoms.
People who interact with sufferers are not infected with this type of Latent TB.
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Nevertheless, the condition of latent TB must still be treated so that the bacteria do not multiply and turn into active tuberculosis.
Meanwhile, the bacteria that cause tuberculosis or active TB can be contagious.
The bacteria present in the active type of TB can be transmitted and then cause a number of symptoms after the infection of the causative bacteria occurs in the body.
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